Slot Machine Scams

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  1. Best Time To Play Slot Machines
  2. Vegas Slot Machine Scams

With most casinos now operating on a ticket in ticket outsystem or as they are also known a TITO type system, a lot of the old coinvalidator and hopper scams that have plagued the slot machine industry fordecades, have been completely eradicated

Slot machines come in different denominations, like penny slots, 5-cent slots, dollar slots, etc. Dollar slots have bigger payouts, but more risk and you might hit your loss limit faster. Penny slots won’t bankrupt you, but you won’t win big, either. However, you can spend a lot of entertaining time playing. Special Contact Lenses. It might seem like the stuff of sci-fi but special contact lenses have. 99 Slot Machines is a US-facing casino site, and it uses one of the most popular software options found in the United States and other grey markets. That would be the platform provided by Realtime Gaming, a developer better known to many players as RTG. This is a firm known for having a diverse game selection that can carry an entire gambling. Out of all the slot machine hacks and cheats, this most definitely would not work today. The Counterfeit Coin Trick. Before scanning technology became widespread, slot machines used to accept bets based on the weight of the coin. The question of how to hack slot machines had a real answer: Use fake coins which were the same weight as real ones.

However, as sure as night follows day, there are always goingto be scamsters and fraudsters looking at ways that they can defraud a casinoand/or their gaming machines, and it looks like many such scammers are turning theirattention to the TITO vouchers.

Best Time To Play Slot Machines

Slot machine scams

Vegas Slot Machine Scams

Many Gambling Commissions and Gaming Authorities have very strictguidelines in place, regarding how any ticketin ticket out system should be designed, and one of their many requirementsis that each voucher must have a full audit trail and also boasts its own uniquebar code and serial number too.

Therefore whenever a TITOvoucher is paid out to a slot player, they can then redeem it for cold hardcash instantly, either at an automated teller machine or via a slot attendant orat the cashiers cage.

The casino employees redeeming such vouchers for customers mustscan the barcode and then verify a vouchers validity, and pay out the winningplayer in cash, however some employees do not follow set procedures which is howsome scamsters can pull off a TITO voucher scam.

One way that has been achieves in the past is for afraudster to simply make a photocopy of a TITO voucher, and take the originalvoucher to a casino employee, who if not following correct procedure of validatingthem instantly, will cash that voucher in for that scamster on the spot, andthen simply save up each of the vouchers that they have redeemed and validatethem at a later date.

The scamster then simply inserts the photocopied voucher intoa slot machine, after cashing in original one, and then sets about cashing outtheir credits for a new voucher which they can then redeem for cash via anautomated teller machine. It is not until the casino employee finally gets aroundto validating all TITO voucher that they have redeemed later in the day thatthe scam is uncovered.